Team Speak 3 を介して、で現実的な会話と、無線通信を構築する Arma 2 版 タスクフォース無線通信 MOD がバージョン RC4 へ更新され、Arma 3 版で実装されていた スピーカー機能の実装などが施されました。
Arma 2 版ならではとして、4 種類の新たな無線機の実装に加えて ACE2 MOD の無線機に対応しています。
- Fixed that a TFAR hint did not disappear after death in case the player was talking on the radio in that sad moment.
- German and Turkish language support.
- Fixes and changes from 0.9.3 — 0.9.7 (A3 mod) added, most notably speakers function addition. Now you can put the radio in a vehicle's trunk or under the bush, and it would still (probably) keep you and everybody nearby informed on the situation.
- AN/ARC-210, AN/ARC-164: changed some buttons.
- MR-6000L: use square red button to switch between speakers and earphones.
- AN/PRC-152: use the top knob to switch between speakers and earphones. Use 9 button to set current channel as additional.
- FADAK: the same as above (in this case, use the previously mentioned "top silver pin").
- AN/PRC-148: for the same purpose, use the GR button.
- R-55, PD-785, GM-380: speakers/earphones — asterisk button.
- Fixed «Drop ruck» ACE-2 function. Now the manpack's model will be displayed properly.
- New dialogs for AN/PRC-154, RF-7800STR, PNR-1000A. Those radios also can be programmed by means of a little gadget called tf_microdagr. Night versions included.
- New dialogs for manpack radios AN/PRC-155 and RT-1523G. Night versions included too.
- New button sounds.
- Test mission finally made it to the archive. Let's praise that poor piece of .pbo.
ACE 2 MOD を使用していない場合は、
をタスクフォース無線通信 MOD の Addons フォルダ内から削除する必要があります。
詳細な仕様は タスクフォース無線通信MODを使ってみよう をご覧ください。
この MOD には Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead、 Advanced Combat Environment 2 MOD と Community Base Addons が必要です。
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