Arma 3 の AI を強化する ASR AI Skills A3 がバージョン 0.9.10 へ更新


Arma 3 の協力プレイ用を念頭に、AI を様々な視点から強化行う ASR AI Skills A3 MOD がバージョン 0.9.10 へ更新され、様々な調整や修正が行われました。

サーバー側で MOD が検知されると、プレイヤーの設定したユーザー設定は無効化されるようになっています。


  • made AI happier about throwing frags
  • added configs for ammo detectability - increased audiblefire overall, tracers are more visible than not-tracers
  • allow AI to fire RPGs at helicopters
  • reduce the range for which full-auto fire is used with regular weapons at close
  • reset max values in cfgaiskill to 1
  • increase soldier costs overall so they are more interesting targets, esp. to vehicles
  • stripped off code which allowed this to apply to civs; stick to affecting soldier units only
  • removed skill reduction hit effects; there were engine improvements about this so it should no longer be required; best to use TMR hiteffects or TPW mods for fall effects instead
  • improve performance of server-side viewdistance calculation by using sunormoon instead of the sun elevation function
  • shot detection tweaked to work better with the ammo audible values and properly detect suppressors when using joint muzzles; note change of userconfig default coefficient value
  • slight reduction in morale applied on remaining group units every time a teammate is killed
  • house usage tweaks - this still needs more attention
  • AI will now automatically store their NVG into their vest/rucksack during the day, then re-equip them when it's dark. When they will also hide their sunglasses 
  • after closing the gear interface for equipping an AI unit, they will now automatically switch to their rifle; useful when changing their primary weapon and they carry sidearms.

このアドオンには A3 用 Community Base Addons が必要です。

ASR AI Skills - BI forum

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