Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツを、先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 127735 へと更新され、 すべての航空機は重力に基づき揺れるようになりました。
また、車両に登場している乗員を取得する為の新しいスクリプト コマンド fullCrew も実装されています。
EXE rev. 127735 (game)
EXE rev. 127745 (launcher)
Size: ~125 MB
- Adjusted: Volume of turning engine on and off for helicopters
- Added: Shake based on G forces for all air vehicles
- Added: Proper sound attenuation for FFV seats
- Added: Possibility to re-texture Kerry’s backpack by popular demand
- Fixed: Player would remain in ragdoll after unsuccessful try in VR Commanding - Vehicles Course
- Friendly Fire added to remaining Commanding VR courses
- Fixed: Double restart when dying after using Restart (Time Trials)
- Fixed: TTs would not end after disabling your vehicle but not dying
- Added: New sound attenuation filter classes for helicopters
- Added: New scripting command for getting a list of all crew from a vehicle: fullCrew
- Fixed: Equipment can't be retrieved from a container on dead players
- Fixed: Some problems with soldier MP position prediction
- Change compression for speed and angular speed to 16 bit float (network optimization)
- Fixed: Helicopter cyclic animation source (IK not fitting stick movement)
- Fixed: setObjectViewDistance command
- Updates to the static string table for MP optimization
- Fixed: setActualCollective
- Fixed: CTD caused by many soldiers with IR
- Game start-up optimization (string table)
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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