Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツを、先行して実装する開発版のリビジョンが 127187 へと更新され、ヘリコプターで高機動をした際に、重力による画面の揺れが実装されました。
EXE rev. 127187 (game)
No new launcher
Size: ~69 MB
- Added: Helicopters have proper camera shake based on G-forces
- Added: Some more memory points for various vehicles
- Set up correct duty values for binocular stances
- Set up correct duty values for swimming
- Slightly decreased duty of running in tactical stance with lowered weapon in crouch to balance lesser movement speed than is achieved in standard running motion in crouch with lowered weapon (enjoy decoding that sentence )
- Fixed: Zeus scenario names
- Fixed: When using vehicle respawn module (or setting vehicle respawn in Zeus), empty autonomous vehicles were always respawned with virtual crew
- Fixed: Zeus wasn't able to create Virtual Objects in ZGM scenarios (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20726)
- Fixed: Playback of Community Guide videos
- Added: Memory points for tail rotor detection
- Rope segments are now created and removed correctly in MP
- When the winch hit point is destroyed, info is added to the Sling Load Assistant
- Fixed: Cursor skipping at high FPS
- Added: New event handler HandleScore
- Fixed: Support for Sling Loading in commanding menu
- Added: Config attribute which allows automatic closure of dialogs after scenario ending (closeOnMissionEnd)
- Added: TaskSetAsCurrent eventhandler
- Added: Collision test for tail rotor
- Improved: Rotor ground collision test
- Hotfixed: Multiplayer - Handgun duplicates itself when looted from a corpse
- Fixed: Zeus object moving
- Ability to show GPS / UAV Feed / Sling Load Assistant in optics
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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