Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツを、先行して実装する開発版のリビジョンが 127167 へと更新され、様々な修正が行われました。
EXE rev. 127167 (game)
EXE rev. 127169 (launcher)
Size: ~292 MB
- Added: Hitpoints for some helicopters to prevent RPT spam
- Fixed: Threat values of b_g_soldier_unarmed_f
- Changed: Sound of free fall
- Fixed: Virtual entities are not in underwear anymore
- Fixed: Respawn position names were not displayed in the respawn menu
- Fixed: Script error in Zeus BIS_fnc_curatorObjectEdited
- Added: Better sling load cargo recognition
- Fixed: Geometries and roadways on blunt type stones
- Updated: New WRP for fixed geometries and roadways of blunt rocks
- Fixed: "Master VR" was called "Master Stratis" in loading screen
- Fixed: Crates dropped via Drop Support module would sometimes kill clients
- Fixed: Parachute spawned via Drop Support module would sometimes not fold properly
- Fixed: Sector names were not localized
- Added: New samples for helicopter crashes
- Changed: Winch indicator texture to SLG
- Fixed: Reducing camera shake for wheeled APCs and trucks
- Adjusted: Camera shake inside armored vehicles
- Fixed: Threat values of various vehicles
- Added: More memory points to get in specific positions of various vehicles
- Fixed: String of Commoner Clothes (Striped)
- Added: New handleRating handler (player addEventHandler ["handleRating", {hint str _this}]
- Added: Support for Sling Loading to Zeus
- Loading default mission when a MP session is done
- Fixed: Ban button for server admins not working
- Fixed: Adjusted the MP traffic diag; canceling various messages when called on local-only objects
- Fixed: Adjusted IsOverride rule for setObjectTexture init message (MP JIP optimization)
- Limit the number of update messages send with time delay
- Re-introducing various previously disabled MP JIP optimizations
- Fixed: Possibility to move Zeus units outside editing area by rotating them together with a module
- Fixed: Zeus ungrouping issue
- Fixed: CTD in Sling Load's unhook action
- Improved: Networking cost for weather synchronization
- Fixed: Missing check when processing AskRemoteControlled message on clients
- Added: A collapse arrow to the addon details when the details are expanded
- Added: 'Update available' notification icon to addon list view rows
- Updated: Position of buttons in the addon details; buttons moved to the bottom of the details
- Updated: Addon list view rows spacing
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