熱い議論が交わされている 兵士の防護能力の微調整やDay Zから衝突判定が取り込まれたArma 3開発版のリビジョン 114253 が公開されました。
チェンジログ:EXE rev. 114253
Size: ~101 MB
- Merged and used some optimization of collision detections from DayZ
- Function BIS_fnc_setToPairs now has a correct example
- Added new functions to control the stacking of disabled save games
- Modified BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder and BIS_fnc_quotations to support stacking of disabled save games
- Modified all “Survive” missions to support new stacked handling of disabled saving
- Continued work upon soldier protection:
- This contains especially further changes to helmets
- Minor tweaks in ammunition, precise adjusting of minimalHitRange values, damage scaling rounds up, pistol ammunition damage adjustments and grenade tweaks
- Adjusted explosives to maintain the protection of grenadier vests against explosives and grenades
- Minor changes in soldier equipment due to changes in headgear. Purpose of classes is not affected in any meaningful manner.
- Mk20 rifle has correct zeroing steps of iron sights
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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