Sublime Text 2 を基に作製された Arma シリーズに特化のテキスト編集ツール Poseidon が更新され BI forum 上で公開されました。
Arma 3 にも対応しているこのツールは、スクリプトやコンフィグをバリバリ作っちゃうぜーという開発者向け。Arma シリーズ独自のコマンドにシンタックスハイライトやスニペットに対応しており簡単に言えばメモ帳の高機能版ツールです。
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- プロジェクトの管理
- プロジェクトの簡単な切り替え
- 文章の折り返し
- 分割編集
- 自動補完
- セッションの永続保管
- スニペット
- シンタックスハイライト (OFP から Arma 3 までの SQF, HPP, C++ や C など)
- SQF, SQS, Java, XML と C++ を完全サポート
- マクロ機能
- ドキュメントへのリンク (BIki やファンクションのオンライン ドキュメントへ)
- Added: Capability to start the game with current mission (right click on a mission.sqm)
- Added: autocompletion for all know BIS functions
- Fixed: control structures get a {} if typed, but not the trailing ;
- Fixed: Time to time, the auto-indent screw up
- Added: Colorization for localized strings in EXT files (non encapsulated or with "" or '')
- Removed: Some Menu options useless for soft use
- Added: Snippet for SQF, serverOnly
- Changed: Folder structure (Need a full clean of Poseidon\Data folder before updating)
- Changed: For loop now triggered by "forspec"
- Fixed: Forspec was using _x instead of _i (and can now include a forEach)
- Added: for var loop triggered by "forvar"
- Fixed: Can't switch to case condition with tab while adding a case with snippets
- Added: Assoc for HPP ("assoc_hpp_with_poseidon.bat" can be found in Poseidon\run_once)
- Changed: Documentation search restored as it was in 0.55
- Changed: Manual, adding some shortcuts (ctrl+maj+j && ctrl+maj+v)
- Added: Auto reindentation (WIP) Misc tools -> Auto Indentation
- Added: Convert indation from spaces to tabs
- Added: Convert indation from tabs to spaces
- Changed: Better support of ext files
- Added: mission config (ext): Respawn templates
- Added: Poseidon version is now displayed on the status bar
- Changed: Default file type is now SQF (instead of Plain Text)
- Changed: Search system optimized
- Changed: animation when expanding or collapsing folders disabled for better performances with large projects
- Changed: Font type and size (use ctrl+scroll to increase or decrease the font size)
- Added: FSM files are now opened with the SQF syntax
- Added: Snippet for common RGB colors (enter RGB_ to see all available colors)
- Added: Snippet for common RGBA colors (with alpha) (enter RGBA_ to see all available colors)
- Added: Config macro for Rsc (dialog & display) (triggered by RscMacro)
- Changed: Tab size reduiced
- Changed: Folder names are highlighted
- Added: Unsaved files are easier to find in tabs
Sublime Text 2 でも Arma のコマンドに対応した SQF Syntax Highlighter があります。
Poseidon: advanced text editor for Scripts & Configs - BI forum
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