Arma 3 の CSAT をイラン軍風にする The CSAT Modification がバージョン 1.5.0 へ、架空ヘリなど


Arma 3 の OPFOR として登場する CSAT (Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty) を製作者の目線から、普通にしようとする The CSAT Modification Project MOD がバージョン 1.5.0 に更新され、新しいやユニット、ヘルメットなど多数の改良と修正に加えて、開発中ながらも架空のヘリコプターが実装されました。もちろん マークスマン DLC に対応済みです。

この MOD では、2030 年代という Arma 3 の世界観を継承しながらも、奇抜なヘルメットや迷彩柄など風変わりな物を変更し、見慣れた普通の物へと改変を加えるプロジェクトとなっています。

Arma3のCSATの見た目を変えるMOD Arma3のCSATの見た目を変えるMOD


  • Fixed Azad faces.
  • Fixed Azad shadow texture.
  • Fixed Azad weighting.
  • Fixed replacement config type: ammo bearer should spawn properly now.
  • Fixed kitbag texture issues.
  • Fixed Shahan wing pylons.
  • Fixed woodland marksman spawning with an urban uniform.
  • Fixed issue with Shar ASV commander turret being unusable.
  • Fixed AAT backpacks spawning with AA missiles.
  • Fixed general config issues with CSAT_Vehicles.pbo (support trucks had two displayname classes for some reason.)
  • Fixed GMG support gunner not showing up in Zeus.
  • Redid update numbering ("1.4.0 bugfix" was causing some confusion.)
  • Redid support name formatting (small displayname edits, nothing major and mission breaking.)
  • Redid colors on the aircrew vests, replaced them with a modified model, and added a medical man.
  • Redid Penah RVMATs.
  • Added new replacement configs for woodland and semiarid units.
  • Added a new medium rucksack imported from A2, replacing bergens in use.
  • Added a new heavy rucksack imported and modified from A2, replacing carryalls in use.
  • Added new insignia, including service branch icons.
  • Added various Shahan improvements, such as a destruction model and additional LODs.
  • Added the Taru to the CSAT (Alternative) side in an optional PBO for those who might not have the Helo DLC.
  • Added the new Hamel light vest, replacing existing A3 tactical vests on CSAT units.
  • Added a new version of the Offroad as a CUCV (Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle.)
  • Added camo faces (finally in after fixing the bug where they'd show up on AI.)
  • Added new hidden support men classes so groups featuring the assistance AA or AT gunners won't have the wrong uniforms.
  • Added Penahs without covers.
  • Added Penahs with scrim (bush) covers.
  • Added baseball caps.
  • Added Raad special forces lightweight helmet.
  • Added a direct-action special forces element (Men (Special Forces))
  • Added autonomous HMGs and GMGs.
  • Added Keftar scout helicopter.
  • Added diver units.
  • Added black Titans with the capabilities to fire all types of Titan missiles.
  • Compatibility with Helo DLC.
  • Compatibility with Marksman DLC.
  • Compatibility with the XENO Taru Pod mod. (
  • Compatibility with TFAR, adding additional CSAT radio manpacks.
  • Modified Azad models.
  • Modified Penah models.
  • Modified attachments for carbine-carrying units.
  • Modified missilemen to have Titan APRL units (compact launchers go to SOF.)
  • Moved Shahan PBO to the full version, since it's more or less finished.
  • Removed the Shahan's AA and CAS variants until I can fix them.
  • Removed (hidden) Penah variants with the "down" eyepiece until I can figure out how to work them in somehow.
  • Removed forced goggles on rocket-carrying units.
  • Updated replacement configs with new units.
arma3のcsatを普通にするThe CSAT 変更プロジェクト arma3のcsatを普通にするThe CSAT 変更プロジェクト

CSAT が全て変わるというわけではなく、イラン軍という初期の時代設定を一端だけ復活させるプロジェクトとなっています。

The CSAT Modification Project (Release) - BI forum

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