空からで増援を呼べる Arma 3 用 ETG Reinforcements スクリプト

空から歩兵や車両の増援を呼べる Arma 3 用の ETG Reinforcements スクリプト が公開されました。

スクリプトはアライを使っていくつかの設定が可能なので、ヘリコプターや MOD の航空機から動作できますし、開始と投下地点をマーカーを使って指定できます。




C:\Users\OS名\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\プロフィール名\missions\ミッションのフォルダ

そして init.sqf に

ETG_Reinforcements = 0;
と記載して、次にトリガーの On Act などでスクリプトを読み込ませます。
nul = ['spawn','drop',west,10,'B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F',100,'B_Heli_Transport_03_F','SmokeShell',''] execVM 'ETG_ReinforcementsScript.sqf';


  • (1) = Name of the marker you want the heli to spawn at
  • (2) = Name of the marker you want the heli to drop its cargo
  • (3) = Side you want the heli to be ( can be west or east)
  • (4) = Number of parachuters (limited by the vehicle)
  • (5) = Put in the vehicle you want to be dropped (can be a vehicle or ammobox)
  • (6) = Put in a number in which the drop happens around the drop off point
  • (7) = Put in the vehicle that should drop off the units/cargo (hint : use a heli or plane ;))
  • (8) = Put in the classname of the smoke or chemlight you want to have attached to the cargo
  • (9) = Put in 'empty' if you want the cargo to be empty (if your cargo is an ammocrate put in 'empty')




ETG Reinforcements script - Scripts - Armaholic

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